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A list of links found while trolling the 'net, the Schnazz is updated when time permits.

Latest update: 19 May 2013.

This is the last planned update of the Schnazz - updates may resume when the DIYmedia site transition is complete later this summer.

A Brief History of Free Radio Berkeley
13 minutes with Stephen Dunifer, the station's founder, about the station's historic legal battle; also includes station clips. (2008)

Analog 'Sunset' Grabs AM Debate
Judging from the feedback from the annual NAB convention, AM radio needs some desperate intervention. Migrating to FM and digital are on the table. (May 7)

Arbitron Says HD Multicasts Reach Nearly 3.6 Million Persons 12+ Weekly
That's a whopping 1.5% of U.S. radio's weekly audience. (Mar. 11)

As Long As FM Radio is on Sprint Phones....
Mark Ramsey takes a critical perspective on the Emmis/Sprint deal. (Jan. 14)

Audio: Digital Drives Listener Experience
From the Pew Research Center: the audio section of the Project for Excellence in Journalism's State of the Media 2013 report, encompassing the state of both traditional and new forms of "radio." (Mar. 18)

Automakers Tuning Out Traditional In-Car Radios
The Detroit News doesn't claim that AM/FM will be going extinct in the dash anytime soon, but car manufacturers definitely now have other priorities in the dashboard. (Apr. 29)

Bernabe Moreno Fined $1,000
Reduced from a $10,000 NAL based on a demonstrated inability to pay; for pirate FM activity in Passaic, New Jersey. (Feb. 22)

Bernard Veargis fined $15,000
For pirate station operation in Miami. (5/16/13)

Build Your Own Micro FM Transmitter
Schematics are derived from mini-FM pioneer Tetsuo Kogawa's design.

Boulder Free Radio – KBFR Lives!
Back on the air, with multiple people and multiple transmitters.

Boulder's KGLR shedding Green Light on pirate radio
Two stations vie for the same frequency in Boulder – might this get messy? (Feb. 2)

Brazil to Retest HD Radio, DRM in 2013
Unhappy with initial trials, the country will revise the tests to use higher power levels. (Jan. 4)

Bush Radio Partial Eclipse
Documentary about Bush Radio, the Cape Town pirate station that put community broadcasting on the South African media policy agenda. (2011)

Car Wars: The Big Challenge
Informal survey of "radio's top execs" illustrates both optimism and uncertainty about broadcasting's future. (Mar. 6)

Cops say pirate radio jammed electronic car keys
A unique convergence of either a spur or blanketing interference...right on top of Hollywood, Florida's police HQ. (Dec. 28, 2012)

DAB Plans Affect Euro Automakers
Sussing the state of digital radio's penetration in Europe. (Mar. 4)

DigitalPower Radio Seeks a Superior HD Radio System
DPR claims it has invented a technique to improve HD signal reception, but implementing it would require iBiquity to crack open the "black box" in which it keeps HD's source code. (Mar. 28)

DPR, iBiquity Are Talking
Radio World provides insight into the impasse between HD Radio's proprietor and a disruptive innovator. (May 13)

DPR, iBiquity Dispute Murky
DigitalPower Radio claims it can revolutionize HD Radio reception. iBiquity says they're full of it. How do we get to the bottom of this? (Apr. 15)

DPR, iBiquity Thaw?
Discussions during the NAB's annual convention may open the door to a potentially radical receiver improvement for HD Radio. (Apr. 19)

Don't Touch That Dial! Low-Power Radio is About to Make FM Hot Again
Wired gives props to the impending expansion of LPFM. (Feb. 28)

EBU Announces New Technical Recommendation
Encourages interoperability of digital radio systems across Europe; favors DAB+ over DAB and also encourages the adoption of DRM. (Feb. 19)

Emmis, Industry Preps for FM in Cellphones
They've got a deal for FM chips in some Sprint phones; now broadcasters have to pony up and plot how to go after the larger carriers. (Feb. 27)

Fabrice Polynice fined $25,000
A stiff hit for a North Miami pirate who actively played cat-and-mouse with the FCC. (4/4/13)

FCC Should OK Smaller LPFMs
Don Schellhardt makes the case the creation of an LP-50 license class. (Feb. 4)

Feds: Pirate radio station interferes with air traffic control
A local TV station covers the case of Robens Cheriza, busted by the FCC for running a dirty transmitter in West Palm Beach, Florida. (2/13/13)

FM Translator Roulette Begins
Radio World smartly recaps the dismissal-process from the 2003 Great Translator Invasion - a prelude to opening up new LPFM filing windows. (Mar. 13)

From radio pirate to AFTRS student
He started at the age of 12 with a station for fun, but this Australian teenager is now embarking on college-level professional study. (January)

Gary M. Feldman Fined $25,000
For unlicensed FM broadcasting in Miami. (5/16/13)

Gary M. Feldman Receives $25,000 NAL
For unauthorized operation in Miami. (2/21/13)

History of Free Radio in Seattle
Written by scene-meister Jonathan Jay, originally published in Tactical Sound #3. (2003)

Homebrew Broadcasting: Pirate Radio and TV Broadcasting Techniques
A dated (1990s) manual for setting up on the FM and VHF TV, but still contains some useful information on station operation tactics and includes some bare-bones schematics for essential gear.

How Easy is it to Buy a Digital Radio?
In Europe, "DAB receivers do actually exist, and it is not so difficult to find them." (Dec. 17, 2012)

Imlay: Digging Deep Into AM Revitalization
The general counsel of the Society of Broadcast Engineers makes a plea for the FCC to strengthen its interference regulations, which might go a long way toward cleaning up the AM dial. (Jan. 16)

Inter Tech FM Fined $20,000
For marketing FM transmission equipment domestically without proper FCC certification. (1/16/13)

Jamming Enforcement at FCC Picks Up
Michael Marcus unpacks some of the convolutions in the backstory involving the FCC's recent crusade against cell-phone jammers. (Apr. 23)

Joshua McMurchie receives $15,000 NAL
For unlicensed broadcasting in Prineville, Oregon. (5/8/13)

iBiquity: Pet Data Isn't Accurate
HD Radio's proprietor disputes the notion that digital adoption among broadcasters is in decline. (Mar. 19)

Keeping it Real
The Illinois Times writes what may be the most comprehensive profile ever published of Mbanna Kantako and Human Rights Radio, still on the air after 26 years. (Apr. 25)

Kroeger: DPR Mods Won't Help HD Radio
A lengthy rebuttal from iBiquity's chief scientist about DigitalPower Radio's claims of an improved process for HD signal reception. (Apr. 4)

Low power becomes hot property as demand for translators takes off
Inside Radio shines a little light on the multi-million dollar shadow-market for FM translators. (April)

LPAM Radio / Part 15
Links-directory and introductory resources toward microbroadcasting on the AM dial.

Make Your Own Liberty Radio Station for $250
A basic run-down of the necessary gear for a micropower FM station, and how it all fits together.

Man sued after pirate radio broadcast interferes with airport tower
The South Florida Sun Sentinel highlights Robens Cheriza's $20k fine for causing spurs in the aircraft band. (Feb. 12)

Meet the Mad Scientist Operating Pirate Radio Station KUNT out of a Denton Dorm Room
The Dallas Observer profiles a freshman with a penchant for sharing his local music collection. (Feb. 19)

Michael Gregory's Fine Reduced to $750
Down from $10,000 for broadcasting on FM without a license in Miami; reduced based on a showing of inability to pay. (3/8/13)

Mobile radio apps jump from the smartphone to the dashboard at CES
Radio Survivor's Paul Riismandel notes the increasing integration of mobile data applications directly into vehicles, and considers the implications of this for radio of all flavors. (Jan. 9)

Moody's Expresses Concern, Issuing A 'CAA1' Rating to Clear Channel's Recent Offering
The nation's largest radio conglomerate is looking to refinance/delay billions in outstanding debt. (May 13)

Part 15 Broadcasters
Paul Thurst provides an excellent legal overview of the technical limits of Part 15 broadcasting. (Dec. 24, 2012)

Peter Ferrara: Launching Radio Into Digital Space
Radio Ink scores an exclusive interview with the man behind the HD Digital Radio Alliance. (May 8, 2006)

Pew: "We Stand By Our Research" on HD
Pew ruffled iBiquity's feathers when it reported a net decline of HD stations in 2012. Radio Ink interviews Pew's Acting Director. (Mar. 21)

Pierre Nixon Jean Fined $15,000
For unlicensed FM operation in West Palm Beach, Florida. (2/28/13)

Pirate radio – its legacy
A look back at unlicensed broadcasting in the United Kingdom, and its potential utilities in a digital media environment. (May 1)

PiratesWeek FTP
Raw audio of Ragnar Danneskjold's latest shortwave pirate receptions.

Radio Coverage Prediction Using Longely Rice
A sophisticated online tool provided by Industry Canada that allows you to map the coverage of any theoretical transmitter situated between 20 and 40,000 MHz.

Radio Freaks Out: First Cox Media-Owned Radio Station Turns Over Control to Listeners 24/7
97x in Tampa Bay, Florida introduces the Listener Driven Radio app platform, which allows the audience to crowdsource the station's playlist. (Jan. 18)

An online convergence-space for UK and Irish pirate broadcasters and listeners. Chock-full of city and station information.

'Radio Rich' off air to concentrate on Emmis HD channels
A rarity – broadcaster devotes real resources to local content-creation on FM-HD subchannels. (Jan. 30)

Radio's AM Champion
Radio Ink records a phone interview with FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai and his hopes for revitalizing the AM band. (4/25/13)

Radio's Sprint Bill: Three Year Term
Inside Radio breaks down how the broadcast industry plans to invest in the campaign to get FM chips into cell phones. (February)

Eliminated blog devoted to the intricate details of mediumwave reception.

Reflecting on NRSC's Revised HD Radio Standards
RW Engineering Extra Technical Editor Michael LeClair provides a clear summary of the latest updates to NRSC-5, and assesses whether or not the improvements will entice broadcaster adoption. (Dec. 14, 2012)

Revitalize AM
This four-part series by broadcast engineer Paul Thurst explores the history and potential futures of the nation's oldest broadcast radio band. (March 2013)

Rich Media, Poor Democracy
Documentary-version of Robert McChesney's book of the same name. (2003)

Romayne Davis receives $10,000 NAL
For running an FM pirate out of Oakland Park, Florida. (4/5/13)

Radius Creates an On-air Exhibition Space for Transmission Art
Radio Survivor profiles this experimental microbroadcaster in Chicago. (Apr. 29)

Seizing the Airwaves
A plug for the forthcoming LPFM filing window. (Mar. 1)

Shortwave Pirate Radio 2012 – A Year in Review
Chris Smolinksi does some creative statistical analysis of HF pirate activity as heard in North America. (Mar. 8)

Sprint Deal is a Building Block
Radio World talks with Emmis executives about its strategy for getting FM chips in cell phones. (Feb. 13)

Sprint to add FM radio to smartphones – too little, too late?
Radio Survivor's Paul Riismandel loves his FM and smartphones, but even he needs to be wooed to combine them: "The FM radio is frosting, not the cake." (Jan. 13)

The Five-Year Enforcement Shot Clock: Has the FCC Finally Begun to Acknowledge It?
It's a little-known loophole that allows many FCC penalties to go unmeted. (Feb. 24)

The Future of HD is in the Hands of Independents
Radio Ink guest commentary from broadcaster Kelly Wallingford minces no words about broadcasters' opposition to HD Radio's licensing model. (Mar. 25)

The Myth of Interference
What if we reconceptualized spectrum not as property, but as a rainbow? Might that enable a quantum leap for cognitive radio systems? (Mar. 12)

Thomas Costa's Fine Reduced to $1,200
From $10,000, after the Iowa City man demonstrated an inability to pay. (Apr. 4)

US Seizes Gear of Radio Station
Authorities raid a home in Brockton and confiscate equipment believed to be interfering with air traffic control radio at Boston's Logan International Airport. (Mar. 13)

What is Radio?
Short interviews with various presenters from the 2013 conference at the University of Oregon (May 2013)

Whisler Fleurinor Fined $25,000
This is Fleurinor's second go-round with the FCC, for unlicensed FM operation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. (2/8/13)

Recently updated resources and links directory sections:

FCC Watch:
Enforcement News
Free Radio Stations: Europe
Free Radio Stations: U.S.
Online Radio Software