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Free Radio News Sources
Alfa Lima International's Radio & Tech Board
This is actually several forums where pirate enthusiasts trade messages on everything from listening tips to many technical subjects.

Anorak Nation
News and discussion forums with special focus on contemporary (UK) offshore activities.

Association of Micro-Power Broadcasters
This group keeps tabs on what's happening on the FM free radio scene in America; they produce a regular newsletter called the AMPB Report, which you can receive via email or postal mail.

Parody of DX journals and the hobby in general, all in good fun.

CGC Communicator Newsletter
Falbrook, CA-based consulting radio engineers have a fetish for pirate-tracking. This can be a good source of information for what's taking place on the southern California airwaves, with occasional national highlights.
Keeps track of what's happening in the clandestine radio world.

Clandestine Radio Watch
A well-updated bulletin service on clandestine radio stations worldwide.

The Free Radio Network Grapevines
These bulletin boards cater to all bands, and there's separate ones for technical and production questions.

Free Radio Report
News, views, and logs on shortwave/mediumwave pirates, from Newfoundland, Canada.

Free Radio Reports from The Netherlands
Dutch DX'er regularly updates his online logbook, featuring a sound clip of the week (Windows Media file format).

Google Groups -
As they say, "Hide the gear, here come the magic station wagons."

HF Underground
Wiki dedicated to "documenting longwave, mediumwave, and shortwave stations, including broadcasters, utility/military stations, pirate radio and spy numbers stations."

Hoisting Anchor!
Reddit's pirate radio resource, now curated by the illustrious Monk formerly of KBFR.

Iron Action Radio, Nyacks Pirate Radio
Blog of station founder, DJ Johnny Silver.

LiveJournal: radioactivesd
Radio Active San Diego's blog.

Low Power Radio
A blog that aggregates information about how to start your own LPFM/microradio station, including especially useful technical miscellany.

London Pirate Bandscan
Well-maintained database of active FM pirates in London, one of the pirate radio activity capitals of the world

Mohave Desert, California, Live Pirate Radio SSTV Cam Page
Updates every 65 seconds to show slow-scan television images broadcast by shortwave pirates.

Pirate Database
"Only included current HF pirate stations that has known contact information."

A web magazine for radio academics and artists.

Radio Doctor Tim's Piratenews
Biweekly(?) newsletter of (mostly) shortwave pirate activity logs from around the planet.

Radio Free Mount Airy
Interesting shortwave DXing blog.

Radio-Info - Community Radio
Message board catering to LPFM stations and those interested in the service's expansion.

The Radio Informer
Eurocentric blog on shortwave and digital radio.

Radio Paranoia
"Metafiction, gossip, rumors, parenthetical imputations, innuendos, intimations, illusions, allusions...."

Radio Pirate Message Board
Open forum for dialogue between station ops and listeners with a worldwide perspective.

Rick's Pirate Radio Blog
DX catches from southwest Finland.
Home of the Pirates Week podcast.

Online home for a zine about all things radio.

Swedish Report Service
One of Europe's most comprehensive shortwave pirate news sources.

Yahoo! Pirate-Radio Group
A full-service, very active core of hardcore engineers oversee a very helpful site for technical info.

Yahoo! SWpirates Group
This group has more than 400 members who share messages, photos, and audio files of recent shortwave pirate activity.

Yahoo! Group: PhatBeatsRadio
Discussion forum for microradio enthusiasts, centered around the Houston area.

Current Media News/Discussions
Multilingual site is a major nexus for the study and practice of anarchism.

All The Excess!
A regularly-updated parody-site of the industry trade All Access.

News portal on community radio projects worldwide.

AM IBOC Stations on the Air
A running count of those who are digital, at least part or full-time.

Arcane Radio Trivia
The name says it all: a collection of the wierdly wonderful involving radio transmission.

Ars Authors: Matthew Lasar
This is where you can find the aggregated writings of this FCC expert-analyst.

Audio Activism
Aggregator of media reform news, includes a plethora of podcast action.

Broadcast Law Blog
Commentary on a variety of broadcast law and policy from the Davis Wright Tremaine Law Firm.

Convergence Chaser
Poynter online's running weblog on "multiple media."

Convergence Research Matters
Blog which aggregates and expands upon coverage of that elusive phenomenon, "convergence."

EUonline: A Journal of Public Radio Technology from NPR
Interesting documents about NPR's Tomorrow Radio initiative and the practice of multicasting.

FCC Auction Tracking
Keep up to date on the latest spectrum selloffs.

Fix the Machine
Aggregator of news on the real-world impacts of Broadband over Powerline (BPL).

Free103point9 Newsroom
Blog aggregates news from several sources related to the transmission arts.

Free Press: Washington Watch
Media reform coalition provides regular and detailed updates from Capitol Hill on the grassroots effort to undo the FCC's pro-consolidation rulemakings.

Blog proclaims "the truth about radio," from a DJ at KEXP.

The Future of FM and AM
Blog covering the various developments of digital audio broadcasting (HD Radio) in the U.S. from an uncritical consumer's perspective.

Future of Music Coalition Blog
Postings on media and music policy from the Future of Music Coalition.

Grant Goddard: radio blog
A European expert on digital radio constantly surveys the continent.

HD Radio is a Farce!
Blog focused on a critical analysis of the iBiquity digital broadcast standard.

HD Radio on the Medium Wave (AM) band
A blog that compiles reports on the development, adoption, and proliferation of AM-HD technology.

IBOC On the Air!
FMDXweb is keeping a database on FM stations as they begin digital broadcasting. Useful for listening for interference.

An ever-growing network of websites devoted to street-level journalism - Become the media.

I Want Media
Constantly-updated site provides news from around and within the media industry.

The Infinite Dial: HD Radio
Staff/analysts at Edison Media Research archive their ruminations on the technology here.

Inside Music Media: Radio
Jerry Del Colliano's thought-provoking ruminations on the industry, including HD Radio, are archived here.

John Gorman's Media Blog
Media consultant, talent coach, and incisive critic of HD Radio, among other industry foibles.
Meta-site devoted to the collection of "research, resources and ideas to improve journalism;" a joint endeavor of the Committee of Concerned Journalists and the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Keeping the Public in Public Radio
A collaborative blog designed to scrutinize the policies of public broadcasting.

The Leslie Report
A bi-monthly column from Radio World's Washington Bureau Chief, Leslie Stimson.

Let's Cheer For...the FCC!
A Prometheus-page containing resources to the ongoing legal battle to substantiate the LPFM service.

LPFM On-Air Database
Christian Community Broadcasters is keeping a comprehensive list of all LPFM stations to take to the airwaves; includes data on each station's antenna configuration.

Media Freedom, Pirate Radio, & the Digital Revolution
Tactical microbroadcasting blog authored by the Monks of Boulder's microbroadcast scene.

An oft-updated summary of interesting media-related news and commentary.

Media Law
"A blog about freedom of the press."

Media Network Weblog
Media news and musings from Radio Netherlands.

Paragon Media Strategies Blog: Posts on HD Radio
Easily archived for your perusal and provocative thought.

Pirate Jim's Radio Site: LPFM Page
Updated daily whenever there's movement from the FCC on LPFM licenses; includes a state-by-state listing of all construction permits and licenses issued.

Primary Communications Project
Blog of Bill Taylor, DIY engineer extraordinaire, as he travels throughout Central America setting up indigenous radio stations.

Prometheus Press Center
As the Prometheus Radio Project has been the most successful microradio advocate in getting press attention, their extensive article archive has lots of press coverage specific to low power FM.

PR Watch
Tops at tracking the proliferation of corporate and government propaganda, featuring SourceWatch, "A collaborative project to produce a directory of [those] that work to influence public opinion and public policy on behalf of corporations, governments and special interests."

Radio-Info Forums: HD Radio Industry and listener dialogue on the deployment and (de)evolution of HD technology.

RAIN: Radio and Internet Newsletter
Provides extensive and near-daily coverage of internet broadcast news and issues.

Radio Free Blogosphere
Ruminations on independent media from Tampa, Florida.

Radio Station Management
A blog about effectively running a broadcast outlet.

Radio Survivor
"News, views and tough love for radio." - a collaborative blog.

Radio World: Digital Editions
Archives of the full publication in multiple electronic forms, from December 2008 to the present.

REC Low Power FM Group
Yahoo group for distribution of REC's various LPFM reports.

REC 'Traffick' Report - Great Translator Invasion
Database keeps track of the sale of what might otherwise would have been LPFM channels, mostly to religious broadcast institutions.

RW Online - IBOC DAB Index
Ever-growing archive of news and views coverage on the introduction of digital radio in America from the industry magazine.

Weblog devoted to tracking news about the satellite broadcast radio industry.

Spectrum Matters
"news, views, and 'insider' insight on wireless (RF) communications, technology trends, and spectrum policy in the U.S."

Spectrum Talk
A blog about "radio spectrum policy, mainly in the US but including some international issues also....Also including positive suggestions for improving spectrum management at FCC."

The /wave Project
Blog/zine dedicated to noting the creative things people do with radio.

Twitter: Bob Struble
Follow the random yet revealing thoughts of iBiquity's CEO.

Audio/Video Content Providers
(also see Radio on Media)
Taking self-journaling to a whole new level of depth and intimacy?

Critical Mass Radio Network
Microradio and internet broadcasters band together to create news programming during special events.
Home to the growing movement of livestream resistance journalism.

Indymedia Newsreal Index
Contains gigabytes of archived audio/video.

LPBN - Linux Public Broadcasting Network
Free provider of streaming content, brought to you by open source software and spirit.
Free storage and bandwidth for multimedia content, with no strings attached.

Pirates Week
Podcast summarizes pirate news of recent note (mostly U.S-based and shortwave-oriented).
Free content service has years' worth of material online; anyone can add more.
The IMC Network's ever-expanding catalog of grassroots radio journalism.

The Radio Kitchen
Blogging about "adventures in amplitude modulation." Full of A/V goodness!

The REC Report
Podcast feed from REC Networks features telecom headlines with a focus on FCC activity in broadcast circles.

R.I.S.E - Radio Internet Story Exchange
A grassroots, organic place where people can trade radio-ready news stories online.

Sex and Podcasting
Exploring the intersection between community radio and podcast technology.

Blog featuring captured finds of interesting audio from the shortwave bands, often caused by propagation-related collision. Not for the faint of ear.

Podcast involving a couple of amateur radio buffs working through construction projects.

Article Archives
Internet Archive: A*C*E Bulletins
Back issues of this important shortwave pirate newsletter find a permanent home.

Adventures in Cybersound: Technology and Utopia, "Primary Documents"
Index of miscellaneous articles which describe unique moments in radio history.

American Radio History
An extensive archive of documentation from the early days of U.S. radio.

Autonomous Media: Activating Resistance and Dissent
Site for the essay collection on "street-level" media and how to put it to work for you.

Beat Radio News & Related Issues
Free radio-related articles transcribed by this ex-Minneapolis-area advocate.

Frank's Free Radio Corner
Global news from the free radio scene, with a focus on European happenings.

Free Media Archive: Micro in the 90s
Extensive selection of texts from microradio-related sources and people published during the early to mid 1990s.

Lowco. Labs Documents
Articles on pirate television - hacking existing channels, etc.; includes a few on setting up your own. News Tracker: FCC
An excellent resource for following FCC news, especially with regard to regulations impacting media ownership and control.

Micropower Radio News
Tons of notes and transcribed press clippings on the microradio movement. ( link)

NFCB LPFM Initiative
Information resource for active or aspiring LPFM stations from the National Federation of Community Broadcasters.

NOW with Bill Moyers: Media Matters archive
Link to list of stories produced by the program on media industry and regulation, with links to much more information.

NOW - Politics & Economy: Media Consolidation
An archive of coverage on the issue aired on the PBS newsmagazine with Bill Moyers.

Poynter Online - FCC Loosens Media Ownership Rules
Archive of original columns and analysis of what the rule changes may mean for the practice of journalism itself.

Radical Software
Online archives of the entire back catalog of this classic DIY video publication.

Rogue Media
A blog that aggregates news about independent alternatives to mainstream media creation and consumption. - Clear Channel Series
Eric Boehlert has assembled an excellent body of investigative journalism into the doings of one of America's largest - and most pernicious - media conglomerates.

San Francisco IMC: Media Democracy Kicks NAB @$$
Excellent frontline coverage of the NAB protests and demonstrations that took place in September, 2000.

Transom: Deep Wireless 2005 Archives
Site of collected information about radio-as-art production symposium.

Underground Garage - Pirate Radio News
A collection of news releases about London-area pirate radio court cases.