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For extended/more recent pirate radio coverage, see the News Archives .

10/23/01 - Target (market): Afghanistan - We know the U.S. military is conducting psychological operations in Afghanistan - we now also know what it sounds like.
10/16/01 - The Radio War in Afghanistan - As the United States moves to bomb the country in its "war on terror," one of the weapons in its arsenal is propaganda via pirate radio.
8/21/01 - Links: Separating Transmitter from Studio - Not having the transmitter located in the same place as the people is a good way to avoid a raid or receive early warning of a pending one. This is a look at some common ways to set up an studio-to-transmitter remote link.
7/17/01 - Shortwave Spike - The shortwave pirate scene hasn't been this active in years. We can thank the FCC's focus on FM for all the action.
5/29/01 - Itching for a Fight - More details come out about a shortwave militia pirate in Kentucky: not only is he arrogant, but he's a racist, too.
5/8/01 - New Moves in the Netherlands - The Dutch scene is probably the most active in the world, which is why the radio authorities are trying new tactics to take stations off the air.
4/17/01 - Infighting Kills Militia Pirate - Kentucky's state militia tells a member to quiet the pirate act lest the feds really do come swooping in.
4/3/01 - KSMR Reborn - A rare American shortwave pirate comes back to life after a skirmish-via-correspondence with the FCC.
3/20/01 - KSMR Makes History - A shortwave militia pirate is openly challenging the authority of the FCC - and seems to be itching for a showdown.
2/27/01 - Guerrilla Radio News - As the radio industry abandons radio journalism in favor of fattening the bottom line, the best place to find news on the air could be from those stations not supposed to be there.
1/23/01 - Shortwave Bonanza - While FM pirates tend to get all the press, the shortwave pirate scene has been around much longer and is still booming strong.
1/16/01 - Target: Translator - A radio rogue who's hijacked FM translator stations in the past briefly describes the process.
1/8/01 - Feet in the Fire -
There are ways to mess with the radio dial that don't involve pirate broadcasting; here's a summary of a few recent tactics in play.

12/5/00 - Hacking the Dial - Putting your own signal on the air is only one way of reclaiming the airwaves - what about hijacking stations via computer control?
8/24/00 - The Pirate's Presidential Primer - Voting guide on the candidates for President and their stated (or predicted) positions on media democracy and free radio.
5/21/00 - Radio B2-92: The Fourth Crackdown - Further instability in Yugoslavia ratchets up the physical dangers to anyone who speaks out against the current regime. Free radio B92, having survived multiple attempts at being silenced, is back in the firing line - in a big way.
5/14/00 - Summer and Shortwave -
As the seasons change, so do the frequencies that shortwave pirates operate on. This is short primer into the perils and potentials of shortwave pirate broadcasting, and where you can tune in to listen for yourself.

10/25/99 - Tricks and Treats - Halloween is a big holiday for shortwave pirates, and a great time to sample the diverse creativity that crackles around the globe.
10/11/99 - Revolutions Begin Locally - The only thing keeping the FCC in check is its perception of authority. Get the local law on your side and the possibilities may be endless...
9/19/99 - KHz and MHz Meet H2O - A short exploration into the history of offshore pirate radio - stations that actually broadcast on the high seas.
9/13/99 - Expanding Your Lifespan - Some tips and suggestions to help potential pirates enjoy a long and satisfying run on the air.
8/12/99 - Radio B2-92 - Belgrade's voice of independent media and revolution is back on the air after enduring multiple threats. Can the station stay alive this time?
7/8/99 - The Numbers Game - Or Cooking the Book - What do radio ratings really mean? Can you trust the numbers? The evidence would seem to say no.
6/6/99 - Risks and Rewards - Going on the air without a license is against the law. But should that really stop you from taking the risk?
6/26/99 - Balkan Busts, Bloodshed Continue - The bombs may not be falling on Yugoslavia anymore, but Radio B92 and its allies are still taking casualties.

4/3/99 - The Yugoslav Crackdown on Free Radio - The bust of belgrade's B92 is total and severe.
3/27/99 - Free Radio Under Fire - In the midst of military action in Kosovo there is a free radio station attempting to report from the conflict zone.

3/26/98 - The Art Bell Reaction - The number one overnight talk show in America spends a long segment talking up pirate radio in the U.S. We've got a review of the show's ups and downs.

6/19/97 - The Plus Side of Radio Monopolies - As the radio industry begins to fall asleep at the switch, now is a good time to beef up a bootleg station. This is possible in several ways, using licensed stations themselves as helpful resources.