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Ibiquity: XM+Sirius Would Have Greater Power to Block IBOC From Cars
- Notable because iBiquity is both the inventor/sole proprietor of HD Radio, and also licenses portions of its technology to both satellite companies. (Dec. 28)
Neighborhood Public Radio mixes up art and radio - A multi-media profile of one of the Bay Area's more creatively-programmed microstations. (Dec. 28)
Out of the mouths of babes: "HD = huh?" - Kurt Hanson notes the important point that the youngest demographics - typically the earliest adopters of new media technologies - remain oblivious to HD Radio. (Dec. 27)

If merger approved, HD Radio wants a piece of the action - The terrestrial broadcast industry will drop its opposition to the marriage of XM and Sirius, so long as HD-compatible receivers are made a part of the deal. (Dec. 24)
New York Times freelance writer provides no news on Brooklyn microradio - Tom Roe thoughtfully deconstructs an NYT hack-piece on pirates in the Big Apple. (Dec. 23)
HD Radio's New Campaign
- So the new radio spots promoting digital broadcasting basically trash analog broadcasting. Is that some sort of marketing-cannibalism? (Dec. 20)
Let's See if the FCC is Serious About Stopping the Next Media Consolidation - Art Brodsky sounds the alarm that the effects of consolidated telecoms could be magnitudes worse than major-media mergers. (Dec. 19)

FCC Media Ownership Changes
- The Benton Foundation has built a helpful archive of press coverage about the agency's decision to remove the ban between cross-ownership of newspaper and broadcast properties. (Dec. 18)
FCC's New Media Rules Worse than Advertised
- Includes a handy flow-chart explaining how the FCC will allow traditional media monopolies to be constructed virtually anywhere in the country. (Dec. 18)
Are fake and mass FCC filings legitimate?
- Matthew Lasar poses a tough question, one that might constructively undermine the art of "cyber activism" in the telecom world. (Dec. 16)
Gov't approves proposal declaring pirate radio 'aerial terror' - Unlicensed broadcasters in Israel are considered major criminals. (Dec. 16)
The Consistency of Kevin Martin and the Faith Based FCC
- Sometimes is hard to pin down Chairman Martin's guiding regulatory principles; Harold Feld tries mightily to dissect them. (Dec. 14)
Martin: No Clue Sued Top Aide Joined Troubled MCube Board - You know you're not the brightest manager when you're surprised your #2 is indicted in a $50+ million Ponzi scheme. (Dec. 13)
Defense Spectrum Summit: Another "No Show" for FCC
- Spectrum Talk laments the agency's profound lack of playfulness with other government agencies. (Dec. 12)
FCC Fleshes Out Priority Debate Over LPFMs vs. Translators
- Radio World explores the proposed changes to the LPFM rules that might give such stations a primacy over rebroadcast-only FM outlets. (Dec. 12)
Five ways that could make itself more accessible - Pragmatic suggestions from Matthew Lasar, who (in part) spelunks the site for a living. (Dec. 12)
What Are We Doing to Ourselves, Exactly? - Front-page article in Radio World Engineering Extra calls the bluff on HD signals and their "minimalist interference" canard. (Dec. 12)
WYSL Files Second IBOC Complaint - A small-market AM station further details interference received from a big-city neighbor. (Dec. 12)

Creditors Sue FCC Chairman's Top Aide in Federal Court
- Kevin Martin's chief of staff is implicated in an oil-exploration based Ponzi scheme. (Dec. 11)
Criticism of the FCC's Chairman Is Widely Aired
- The Los Angeles Times dishes more dirt on Kevin Martin's mercurial management style. (Dec. 10)
AM IBOC In Distress?
- Radio World editorializes about the implications of some major broadcasters backing away from deploying AM-HD at night because of interference concerns. (Dec. 5)
Battle for the Band: AM IBOC Under Siege - Guy Wire questions the functional validity of the AM-HD protocol. (Dec. 5)
Hear It Now: IBOC Disappoints - Radio World publishes a listener letter who conducted AM reception tests in the Midwest, and is quite unhappy with the results. (Dec. 5)
Dead Air: Radio's great leap forward stalling in the Valley - Finding it hard to build an HD audience in south Texas. (Dec. 5)
Rochester Station Says IBOC Interferes - Radio World reports on the first formal AM-HD interference complaint filed with the FCC. (Dec. 5)
FCC Website: Does it Violate Its Own Privacy Policy On Cookies? - Interesting criticism from the sleuth at Spectrum Talk. (Dec. 4)
Pirates on the Open Airwaves - Yes! magazine blurbs about modern microbroadcasting. (December)

FCC Adopts Rules to Expand LPFM, Looks Ahead
- Radio World summarizes the FCC's latest rulemaking involving further development of the LPFM service. (Nov. 30)
Who Needs LPFM? - Why Not Just Expand the FM Dial?
- The Broadcast Law Blog notes the resurrection of a notion to turn over Channel 6 TV spectrum to new FM broadcast uses. (Nov. 30)
FCC Moves to Promote Low Power Radio
- Benton Foundation's aggregation of related FCC documents, as well as reaction from each Commissioner and major advocates. (Nov. 28)
FCC Meeting Adopts Rules Favoring LPFM, Restricting Translator Applications, and Possibly Impeding Full Service FM Station Upgrades
- Broadcast Law Blog's take on the FCC's latest action to develop the LPFM service. (Nov. 27)
Constituents' E-Mail on XM Deal Not Well Received
- Has the NAB been using peoples' personal information willy-nilly in its campaign to stop the satellite radio merger? The  Washington Post has a pretty damning answer. (Nov. 22)
Is AM Skywave Broadcasting Finished?
- A Radio World contributor with "golden ears" finds the outcome "inconclusive." (Nov. 21)
'The IBOC Handbook' Cracked Open
- Radio World's published review of the first comprehensive technical text on what's under the hood of HD Radio. (Nov. 21)
Bad Reviews Pile Up for FCC Chief's Plan
- Kevin Martin's a-la carte style of media ownership deregulation isn't flying well politically, notes the Los Angeles Times. (Nov. 19)
"HD" Radio on QVC Fiasco - Bulletin-board thread debates the implications of HD's dismal sales during its featured pitch. (Nov. 19)
The Media Ownership Endgame: Martin's Opening Gambit on Newspaper-TV Cross Ownership - Harold Feld's take on the FCC Chairman's media ownership rules play. (Nov. 14)
When It Comes to Selling Media Consolidation, FCC Chair Kevin Martin Hasn't Learned Much - A HuffPo critique of Martin's ham-handed attempt to rush through changes on cross-ownership rules. (Nov. 14)

DRM+ Field Tests Okayed in Germany - The FM version of Digital Radio Mondiale is ready to step out of the lab and into the field. (Nov. 13)
FCC enforcement actions in New York City - Collected scuttlebutt from radio pros operating in the city. (Nov. 13)
First technical basis towards digitization of VHF FM broadcast radio service has been created - Germany considers alternate standards for digital radio broadcasting. (Nov. 13)
LPFM and the Fight for Community Radio - WFMUs Beware of the Blog gives props to the fight to pass the Local Community Radio Act through Congress, and provides a great backgrounder on the LPFM issue itself. (Nov. 12)
Is the fight against media consolidation really bipartisan? - Matthew Lasar asks some tough questions about the true political breadth of the coalition that occasionally forms on media policy issues. (Nov. 11)
Radio pirates at 'WAR' play what they like - The Golden Gate Xpress profiles Western Addition Radio. (Nov. 8)
On Radio: FCC turns up volume on local radio - The Seattle Post-Intelligencer notes the apparent regulatory and legislative agreement forming around an expansion of the LPFM service. (Nov. 7)

Comment Date Set for Proceeding Regarding Use of FM Translators by AM Stations - Broadcast Law Blog notes the magic date for comments and reply comments to be due - the entire proceeding should be resolved by 2008. (Nov. 6)
Open Mic - Radio magazine interviews Martin Stabbert, Citadel's top engineer, about his decision to remove HD signals from his stations at night. (Nov. 1)

"An overwhelming need for access" - Libby Reinish on the NCE window and what happens next
- A good recap from Matthew Lasar and the Prometheus Radio Project on the prospects for a wave of new full-power community stations within the next few years. (Oct. 26)
A Significant Sign in the Death of HD Radio -Audio Graphics criticizes the lack of industry coherence on promotion. (Oct. 26)
Citadel Re-evaluates AM HD-R Nighttime - Radio World follows up on the story of Citadel turning off digital sidebands at night, citing interference concerns. (Oct. 24)
As HD Radio Sniffs Success, Critics Question the Formula - Wired ponders whether HD Radio is worthy of truly next-generation broadcasting. (Oct. 22)
HD Radio PAD: solutions in search of problems? - A critical look at HD radio's actual useful datacasting potential. (Oct. 21)
More on HD: Is Anyone Out There? - Stations are adding subchannels, but are the listeners flocking to them? (Oct. 17)
FCC Web Site: The Nation's Communications Policy "Attic" - A well-reasoned and detailed critique of the FCC's information-storage and retrieval systems. (Oct. 16)
HD Alliance Ups Marketing Commitment By $230 Million - Most of this is in the form of airtime for HD plugs of a variety of sorts. (Oct. 15)
"It's Just Research" - An interview with Adam Candeub - Matthew Lasar speaks with the man who helped leak "deep-sixed" FCC media studies linking local ownership to local service. (Oct. 15)
IBiquity sees digital radio signaling changes to come - The Washington Business Journal mostly swallows the company line on penetration progress. (Oct. 12)
The Ongoing Tragedy of HD Radio - Hear 2.0 laments the crappy quality of existing receivers, further crippling a wounded technology. (Oct. 11)
Time of Reckoning Nears for HD Radio - Radio World's Guy Wire is getting skeptical... (Oct. 10)

Here's what one mom-and-pop owner...thinks about AM digital - How an independent station in North Carolina is getting stomped by interference from a larger station. (Oct. 6)
Is HD Radio Toast? - Friday Morning Quarterback guest-commentator Richard Harker makes a convincing case. (Oct. 5)
Citadel Halts AM Nighttime IBOC Operation Amid Complaints - Radio World breaks the story of Citadel going non-digital at night. (Oct. 3)
FCC Accused of Unfairly Aiding Some Firms - The Los Angeles Times offers up some juicy bits from the GAO's report on FCC regulatory transparency. (Oct. 3)
GAO Report on FCC Secrecy: Some Parties Get More Information than Others - Damning assessment of the lack of transparency in the FCC decision-making process, courtesy of the Government Accountability Office. (Oct. 3)
Stabbert: 'We Evaluated It' - Radio World speaks a bit more with Citadel's chief executive engineer on the company's decision to stop digital AM broadcasts at night. (Oct. 3)
Left in the dark - The Pocono Record examines how AM-HD interference impacts local listening experiences. (Oct. 1)

FM Translators for AM Stations - Start Your Engines
- Broadcast Law Blog lets slip that the FCC are already issuing STAs for AM stations looking to get in on the FM translator spectrum-rush. (Sept. 30)
HD Radio and QVC: Looked Good on Paper - A review of the dismal sales of HD receivers when they were featured on America's largest home-shopping network. (Sept. 27)

1,500th HD Radio Station Is On The Air
- Radio Ink notes the passage of this milestone, and not much more. (Sept. 26)
Hoping to Dominate Radio - The Washington Times is not bright on HD's future. (Sept. 25)
Hardly-Discernible Radio: Broadcasts to Nobody - Critique of public radio digital broadcasts in the Washington, D.C. area and beyond. (Sept. 21)
Night of the Bees - Real-world testimony about the interference-havoc created by AM-HD broadcasts at night. (Sept. 20)
HD Radio: Skepticism is Spreading - Audio Graphics ticks off the litany of reasons why HD Radio might already be considered a failed technology. (Sept. 17)

NATO Issues Warning on BPL and the HF Spectrum
- Is the deployment of broadband-over-power line a national security issue? (Sept. 17)

HD Radio: 8-Track Tapes of Our Age, or the Next Big Thing?
- A Washington Post columnist poses some harsh questions about iBiquity's technology and its viability in a converged media world. (Sept. 16)
Is HD the Answer to Radio's Youth Listening Exodus? - Good question, Radio & Records. Care to make a bet? (Sept. 15)
Illegal radio stations targeted - A Boston-area suburban councilman calls advertising "totally illegal," imagine that! (Sept. 7)
Pirate station blocks FAA frequency - UPI report on the bust of a Boston pirate playing "foreign language music." (Sept. 7)
Rogue radio not music to Logan - The Boston Globe reports on the raid of a pirate station that interfered with a single ground control frequency. (Sept. 7)
Apple Enables HD Radio's 'Push to Buy' via iTunes
- Not quite the download-songs-from-the-air vaporware, but a step in that direction. How do stations take a cut of the purchase, though? (Sept. 6)
Latest Reports on NYC Microradio - Stats compiled from message board posts perused by the free103point9 Newsroom: two dozen active frequencies and counting... (Sept. 6)
NPR Stations: White Mice of HD Radio - Interesting take on public broadcasters' hidden subsidies to a proprietary technology. (Sept. 5)
The FCC is the Worst Communicator in Washington - Tying press threads together paints a picture of how the agency treats the notion of "public" in its mission to serve the public interest. (Sept. 5)
FCC's Methods Leave Public in the Dark - Associated Press raps the agency and chairman Kevin Martin for essentially keeping big policy decisions secret until the last possible minute (and, perhaps, beyond). (Sept. 4)

Kestler/Smith Settlement Synopsis
- Courtesy of the Phoenix Preacher, with reaction from within the Calvary Chapel community more generally. (Aug. 31)
FCC raids Haitian pirate radio station
- Complete with video report, courtesy of the south Florida Sun-Sentinel. (Aug. 30)
HD radio continues to search for its legs - The Cincinnati Post questions the staggering rollout of HD in the city. (Aug. 28)
Radio May Survive This, Too - The Baltimore Sun surveys the local radio dial to gauge how stations are handling new competition from proliferating digital audio choices. (Aug. 26)
The Promise of Low Power FM - In These Times reports on the growing LPFM community and how they work together to get and stay on the air. (Aug. 23)
Pirate radio pumps up the volume - The Vail Daily notes the appearance of a microstation that seems to target a baby boomer audience. (Aug. 22)
Chinese Toy Recall: Possible Lessons for the Spectrum Community
- Bottom line, says the Spectrum Talk blog, is that if there's led on the toys, you can bet the electronics are most likely not in FCC compliance, either. (Aug. 21)
Pirate radio DJs risk prosecution to fight gun and knife crime - London-area pirates are teaming up in a "Don't Trigger" campaign, which also helps them fight the image of pirate stations as troublemakers. (Aug. 20)
Pirate power - The (London) Sunday Times reminisces on how early UK offshore pirates impacted the development of popular radio. (Aug. 19)
Pirate radio celebrated by legends - UK pirates old and new celebrate the anniversary of the enactment of the law which first made them illegal, partially over the BBC. (Aug. 16)
Radio Free Nashville Rocks - WRFN-LP expands its coverage area by adding a new medium to its distribution network. (Aug. 16)
Could pirates rule the airwaves once more? - Making connections between the offshore broadcasters that irrevocably changed the British radio dial, and how contemporaries are doing the same. (Aug. 15)
FCC Finally Releases Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Allow FM Translators to Rebroadcast AM Stations - The Broadcast Law Blog summarizes the stakes and possible applications, from a station owner's perspective, should this rule become actual practice. (Aug. 15)
Beyond iBiquity's HD Radio - A very candid assessment of the technology's shortcomings, with a focus on alternatives to HD and their equivalent (if not better) functionality. (Aug. 14)
Should everything be community media? - Matthew Lasar provides a thoughtful synopsis of the Benton Foundation's new report, What's Going on in Community Media? (Aug. 10)
FCC Allows Assignment of LPFM Construction Permit - The Broadcast Law Blog notes a "backdoor" permit given to a religious applicant, even though no filing windows are currently open or planned. (Aug. 8)

AM Radio Changes Proposed - While Others Languish
- The Broadcast Law Blog details the various proposals circulating at the FCC to relax AM technical rules. (July 28)
Britain's Fight for Free Radio - Celebrating the history of offshore broadcasting, as told through the first-person words of one participant. (July 22)
Pirate radio broadcasters to walk the plank - The Israeli government gears up to crack down on what it calls "aerial terror," according to the Jerusalem Post. (July 22)
The Great Spectrum Giveaway - In These Times previews the upcoming filing window for noncommercial full-power FM stations, and who's vying for the new stations. (July 18)
NAB to Feds: Disclose Satcasters' Violations - Radio & Records reports on the filing of a FOIA asking for the FCC to detail the full extent of transmission rule-breakage engaged in by XM and Sirius. (July 18)
Back to the Paper Bag - How the National Association of Broadcasters' influence may be waning on Capitol Hill. (July 17)
How Lady Bird and Lyndon Baines Johnson came by their millions - Slate revisits this bit of presidential history and finds out that broadcast ownership is behind it all. (July 16)
Congress Asks FCC to Answer Questions About Private Equity Ownership of Media Properties - But, will they? And what might an increasingly-private trend of ownership mean? (July 14)
Religious radio makes inroads with stations and translators - A look at who's sucking up a goodly portion of the Seattle-area spectrum, courtesy of the Post-Intelligencer. (July 11)
Still a lot of static in satellite radio merger - Will investors keep hoisting money into two stocks so firmly in the red? And will a merger really change the financial picture? (July 9)
Traffic Data Goes High Def with Clear Channel Radio - Stations commit to using part of their digital sidebands for non-audio information conveyance; link to press release announcing the development. (July 9)
Busted: Satellite Radio Receivers Already Capable of XM & Sirius? - Possibly with the ease of a simple firmware update, reports Gizmo. (July 8)
HD Radio Grabs the Ear of Satellite Rivals - The Washington Post talks to broadcast and satellite radio insiders about how digital distribution is changing their business models. (July 3)
LPFM vs. FM - More Stations Coming? - The Broadcast Law Blog takes a look at how minor changes to full-power station licenses can hinder the development of new stations - and how upcoming FCC filing windows play into the mix. (July 2)
Free103poin9: Ten Years of Transmission Arts - The Brooklyn Rail celebrates the storied history of this Williamsburg-based radio-art collective. (July)
Ship of Rules - Stations on the air (or trying to get there) in Colorado. (July)

Microradio Blues: SF Liberation Radio's Court Defeat Exemplifies Federal/Corporate Control
- Feature story on Liberation Radio's defeat in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, with conjectures as to why; courtesy of Indybay. (June 23)
WIPO Broadcasting Treaty Talks Break Down
- Thanks to non-compromise by the U.S. delegation, which wants draconian U.S. copyright laws used as a model for the entire world. (June 22)
Low power radio bill drops as Clear Channel causes more static
- A summary of the introduction of the Local Community Radio Act of 2007, and how Clear Channel's twisting the terms of its payola agreement to the FCC to screw independent artists out of their performance royalties. (June 19)
Pirate Radio On the Rise: Brave (Foolhardy?) Dissidents Defy the Feds - Another profile of publicity-whore Monkey Man, coupled with some discussion of national FCC enforcement trends. (June 19)
Radio pirate seizes Monroe frequencies- A report on a station run by "Ken" in the sleepy burg of Monroe, WI. (June 15)
Payola Settlements - The Details - The Broadcast Law Blog parses the implications of the FCC's multi-million dollar payola settlement with several major broadcast conglomerates, and how it may affect non-signatories to the pact. (June 12)
After near-disaster at B-G, cabinet goes to war on pirate radio stations
- Haaretz article contains details of a confidential government document detailing a near-miss between two jets caused by broadcast interference. (June 11)
Pirate radio stops Israel flights - The BBC says interference to air traffic control at Ben Gurion International Airport was so bad that some flights had to be cancelled. (June 7)
A pirate of the airwaves - The Daily Mail reviews the autobiography of "Johnnie Walker," a voice once heard on the rogue Radio Caroline. (June 1)

FCC Issues Rules on Digital Radio - With Some Surprises that Could Eventually Impact Analog Operations
- The Broadcast Law Blog summarizes the FCC's latest rules on HD deployment, and its possible implications/opportunities for incumbent (commercial) broadcasters. (May 31)
Radio stations upgrade to HD despite cost, uncertainty - Not all broadcasters are sold on the technologically-determinist digital path to the future, finds the Charleston Post and Courier. (May 28)
HD Radio Reaches About 450,000 Weekly Users, Bridge Finds - Less people listen to HD than to Pacifica's Democracy Now!. (May 25)
Resisting the Commercialization of Public Schools - praises BusRadio's failure to get school districts to create captive audiences out of their bussed students. (May 25)
HD Radio may go south of the border - iBiquity seeks authorization to operate in Mexico, according to the Baltimore Business Journal. (May 14)

Conditional Access Tests Underway
- A public radio station in Florida becomes the first to try out "pay to listen" HD technology. Includes a skimpy overview of how the system works. (Apr. 25)
XM's Rogue Antennas Amplify Signals, Merger - Meet the largest corporate radio pirate in U.S. history - the XM satellite radio network, where 42% of its national footprint is serviced by illegal transmission facilities. (Apr. 24)
Clear Channel Sells TV
- To Providence Equity Partners, a private capital firm whose telecom holdings are run in part by former FCC Chairman Mikey Powell. (Apr. 23)
Pirate Radio: The Pros and Cons - An analysis of Ofcom's recent research on the popular pirate phenomenon in the U.K. (Apr. 20)
Dinosaurs vs. Satellites - Reason covers the NAB's ineptitude in fighting the competitive force of satellite radio. (Apr. 19)
Still Cranky After All These Years - An exposé on the American Family Association and its potential ties with other godcasters. (Apr. 19)
Radio for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: An Idea Whose Technology is Arriving - NPR's Chief Technology Officer explains how digital radio may one day make the medium an outlet of choice for those who can't hear, especially in emergency situations. (Apr. 17)
The Failed Chávez Coup, Five Years On - Counterpunch breaks down how the Venezuelan corporate media were complicit in the attempted coup of 2002; it's a warning of how media power in the hands of a few can cause a national crisis. (Apr. 13)
RadioShack's Inadequate Accurian - BusinessWeek pans the cheapest "set-top" HD radio receiver on the market. Invest in an antenna... (Apr. 9)

New Options for Pirates, and LPFM
- Radio World's Guy Wire speaks lucidly about the "Goldfield waiver" situation: "Why should so many smaller population areas go without local radio service because the bar of entry remains much too high?" (Mar. 28)
Authorities Pull the Plug on Pirate Radio Station
- Cops in Florida arrest two men for running a Haitian station from their home in Immokalee (Mar. 26)
HD Radio Effort Undermined by Weak Tuners in Expensive Radios
- When a 1940's-era receiver pulls in AM stations better then the latest HD products, you know there's a problem. Bonus video included. (Mar. 24)
A Signal From Above
- How Christian radio stations are plowing new ground in the area of morning "zoo" radio, courtesy of the Washington Post. (Mar. 15)
Kestler Speaks Out - The much-maligned operations manager of the Calvary Satellite Network unveils a few details about his side in the feud over control of CSN's broadcast empire. (Mar. 5)
The End of Internet Radio As We Know It - Coverage of the Copyright Royalty Board's decision to cripple webcasting with exorbitantly high per-song/per-listener rates. (Mar. 5)

God's word, plus static, on Calvary Satellite Network
- The LA Times does a pretty superficial overview of the inter-church media schism. (Feb. 28)
Raid of San Francisco Pirate Station Legal, Says Court
- The San Francisco Chronicle notes the failure of San Francisco Liberation Radio's appeal to get back its gear. (Feb. 28)
FCC Silences Radio Free Austin
- Web-board thread discusses apparent infighting between operators of a "patriot" network of unlicensed stations in Texas and Oklahoma. (Feb. 26)
Confessions of a Radio Pirate
- "The Poet" explains why he rides the shortwave bands without a license. (Feb. 23)
Cheeta II - Colin Nichol - My Story
- One of the crew on the infamous Radio Caroline relates what his tour of duty was like. (Feb. 21)
Day of Reckoning
- Christianity Today profiles the ungodly tensions within Calvary Chapel. (Feb. 16)
Opinion: Don't Forget the Wow Factor - RadioWorld editorial chides digital terrestrial broadcasters for not squeezing the best sound out of their (limited) digital capacity. (Feb. 14)
Report: Nevada Pirate Gets STA - Radio World notes the temporary legality of Radio Goldfield, an unlicensed FM outlet run by a seasoned-citizen in a Nevada ghost-town. (Feb. 9)
A Signal Heard Round the World
- The Christian Science Monitor romanticizes the subculture of shortwave broadcasting and listening. (Feb. 2)
Reid Helps Resurrect Goldfield Radio Station
- The Pahrump Valley Times profiles Rod Moses, who invoked the help of a senator to take his pirate station legit. (Feb. 2)

HD Radio Still Taking the Rap
- BusinessWeek profiles the slow uptake of digital radio broadcast technology, in the face of multiple-platform competitors. (Jan. 29)
FCC Sinks Alleged Pirate Radio Station in Florida
- Local, state, and federal officials conspire to shut down a Haitian-serving outlet in Port. St. Lucie. (Jan. 26)
A Godly Settlement?
- The Phoenix Preacher blog makes demands of how the Calvary Chapel-Costa Mesa/Calvary Satellite Network split should be justly adjudicated. (Jan. 22)
Fidelity Opposes Clear Channel Sale
- The largest institutional shareholder of CCU stock doesn't like the idea of taking the company private. (Jan. 19)
10 Years Later, Radio's Business as Usual
- Radio World commentary questions the eroding "market loyalty" of commercial radio stations. (Jan. 17)
DJ Drama Arrested in Mixtape Raid
- 17 others also rounded up in an RIAA-sponsored operation to crack down on mixtapes. (Jan. 17)
FCC's Martin: Rules won't allow satellite radio merger
- FCC Chairman is predisposed to keep XM and Sirius separate, according to CBS Marketwatch. (Jan. 17)
If XM, Sirius Pursue Merger, Hurdles at FCC, Justice Loom
- The Wall Street Journal covers the speculation of a strategic marriage in satellite radio. (Jan. 17)
Remember, Remember the 22nd of November
- Commemorating the pirate TV hijacking of two stations in Chicago. (Jan. 9)
Sealand for Sale
- Pirate principality in the North Sea is on the block for a minimum eight-figure sum. (Jan. 9)
CCR, Microsoft Launch Data Delivery Via HD Radio - Microsoft+Clear Channel+proprietary broadcast technology=a match made in heaven. (Jan. 8)
Real-Time NAVTEQ Traffic Solutions Transmitted Over HD Radio(TM) System - Datacasting to begin in earnest over HD Radio.... (Jan. 8)
Radio Rebel Refuses to Back Down - The San Jose Mercury News checks in with Pirate Cat Radio. (Jan. 7)
Culture Jamming: A Brief History - Tracing the history all the way back to 15,000 B.C., from graffiti to Google-bombing. (January)
Pirate radio station in Copenhagen on air continuously for three weeks - Pirat Radio 69 appears to be operating from a squat... (January)