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AM/Mediumwave Plans & Schematics
Transmitters, amplifiers, antennas, and other equipment necessary for broadcast operation on the AM/Mediumwave bands

FM Plans & Schematics
Transmitters, amplifiers, antennas, stereo encoders, signal filtering, and other equipment necessary for operation on the FM broadcast bands

Shortwave Plans & Schematics
Transmitters, amplifiers, antennas, and other equipment necessary for operation on the Shortwave broadcast bands

Audio Plans & Schematics
Limiters, compressors, equalizers, mixers, and other equipment necessary for free radio broadcasting

Test Equipment Plans & Schematics
SWR, power, and modulation meters, dummy loads, baluns and other equipment necessary for building broadcast equipment from scratch

Listening/DXing Plans & Schematics
Antennas and other equipment helpful for pulling in weak or distant signals for better listening enjoyment

Miscellaneous Ideas of Interest
Alternatives to STLs
Radio World Online provides an overview of studio-to-transmitter link options; most presented here are very expensive but the concepts are educational (and replicable).

Studio to transmitter links
Informative article from BE Radio about a variety of STL technology.

Balloon and Kite Antennas
If you'd like to explore alternative ways to gaining altitude, a start here with this experienced experimenter is a good place to start.