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2/20/04 - Bringing Back the Noise [link to this story] If you can read this, you're hooked into DIYmedia's brand new server featuring expanded pipe action - putting the Truthful Translations of Political Speech back into the hands of the people. Note the GWB collages are now into the triple-digits and contain multi-page sub-sections. There's also new Don, Ron, George I, Arnold, Pat, and Tony tracks, just to name a few. New stuff ahoy in Celebrity Speech as well, including Rush remixed-comment on that drug hoopla and the ever-lampoonable Dan Rather. Still working on other collage galleries, but they're not ready yet. To tide you over check the expanded section of Featured MP3s in the A/V Library, with new tracks musically praising the license-free broadcaster. Please report any broken links you may encounter so I can make sure the new haus is in full working order. You may also notice little 'donate' buttons scattered about. Spreading this love isn't cheap, and while it's not breaking the bank or anything the dent is certainly deeper now (think 'grad student with a part-time job'). If you want something in exchange more tangible than gratitude check the store for good reading and listening pleasure (Powell's/Insound). This section, too, is due for a much-needed revamp. Now, let's get out there and f*ck up some heads! 2/19/04 - Dueling Filings and Journalistic Kudos [link to this story] The FCC filed a civil suit Tuesday seeking an injunction against radio free brattleboro; today the station filed a counterclaim, challenging FCC licensing authority on several constitutional grounds. The (hopefully) good news of this move is that the FCC forego the route of the station raid, preferring instead to exert a more diplomatic form of muscle. It could still try to fine someone, but it sounds like the heavy community support may be paying off in keeping the goons away. You never quite know with them wily FCC types...rfb's referendum for local support goes down March 2. In San Francisco this week, Liberation
Radio was named one of this year's winners of the James
Madison Freedom of Information Award. The honor comes from the
Northern California chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists
and pays tribute to "local journalists, organizations, public
officials, and private citizens who have fought for public A hearing on SFLR's countersuit against the FCC (in response to the station raid in October) is set for March 5. 2/15/04 - A New Twist on Electronic Civil Disobedience [link to this story] Tom Ness, the dynamo behind a drive to collect dozens of community resolutions in Michigan supporting LPFM during its debate in Washington, is back with some new ideas - and this time he's looking outside the system for success. Ness's "WNFC Manifesto" is a long read, but the essential plan is this: instead of starting an unlicensed station and building community support for it over time, why not enlist the community to build the station from the outset? Plan for a limited run of, say, two weeks - and pack those weeks with as much local programming as you can do. A key is having the backing of community officials and leaders. When all is ready, flip the switch and await the FCC's move. Ness believes the community-intensive and temporary nature of such an operation might protect it from a crackdown - and if so, then it's a potential model to spread the good word about microradio in new directions. Ness is preparing to test this model in his hometown of Ferndale, MI, a growing Detroit suburb, and he would love feedback on the idea. It resembles the UK's Restricted Service License concept, which allows limited-duration operation of a low power FM station - just without the license part. 2/14/04 - Collage Return Imminent [link to this story] Let it be known: DIYmedia's collage galleries return on February 20. In the mix are 140 Truthful Translations of Political Speech (with 100 of those focused on our fearless leader), new Celebrity Speech collages featuring Rush Limbaugh and Dan Rather, among others...and possibly some entirely new galleries, if I can get my sh*t together. You can literally listen for half a day and not hear the same one twice. Perhaps a streaming component is in order... 2/9/04 - FCC Back in San Diego; Mediageek Updates rfb Situation [link to this story] Time's at a premium right now, hence the lack of regularity here. The transition and restoration of the collage galleries is in progress, which explains part of my absence. The rest you'll just have to wait for, but there's much more coming. Free Radio San Diego reports the FCC made another courtesy call on Friday. Agent Bill Zears and an unidentified "younger kid" poked around and asked the landlord of the property about the antenna on the roof. Her response: "Aren't you guys the ones that are supposed to answer that question?" After being told not to return without something stronger than curiosity, the agents were gone within 30 minutes. On January 23 Paul Riismandel interviewed radio free brattleboro's Sara Longsmith about the station's recent correspondence with the U.S. Attorney General's office in Burlington, and the hopes for their referendum drive. This Mediageek episode is now online in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats. (Disclaimer: Paul and I yammer on with prognostications on rfb's case near the end, you have been warned). |