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Action Coalition for Media Education
"Committed to promoting media education, independent media production, and reform" in response to the threat of corporate domination of mass media.

Media Education Foundation
Home of award-winning critical documentaries, great for expanding minds in the classroom.

Media Literacy Clearinghouse
"A web page designed for K-12 educators who want to: learn more about media literacy; integrate it into classroom instruction; help students read the media; help students become more media aware."

Our Media Voice
Media consumer education campaign, primarily devoted to reform of broadcast television, but supportive of more general media reform efforts.

University of Maryland Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA)
Tracks the pulse of public knowledge (and media performance) on international policy issues. Their media surveys are quite informative.

Critical Media Literacy in Times of War
Virginia Tech's Department of Teaching and Learning has constructed Flash tutorials demonstrating how wartime works to limit media freedoms and affect the quality/reliability of news.