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Feature: Propaganda (II)

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Mbanna Kantako

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The Disinformation Campaign

Probably the most alarming new offensive comes from audio recordings "simulating" the interference LPFM stations would cause to radios. The NAB trotted out these recordings to play to lawmakers at the Subcommittee hearing, and has already made CD copies of these "interference examples" available for wide distribution.

This could be the beginning of a massive public disinformation campaign against LPFM.Fortunately, you can be forewarned of the propaganda attempt:  below is a copy of this CD to download and enjoy - before you hear it as part of  a "public service announcement" on your favorite station.

Public radio has also gotten into the act. A station in Oregon has created its own recording of "simulated LPFM interference" and posted it online for people to listen to. It hopes to get other NPR-affiliated stations to do the same.

Regardless of the flaws of these recordings, the move should alarm people. The broadcast industry is preparing to use our airwaves to discredit a service meant to open up those airwaves to greater accessibility.

Arrogance doesn't come any more clear-cut than this, and it's disturbing to see so much of it coming from those who purport to serve the public.

NAB 'LPFM interference' CD - MP3 format (4.5 MB, 9:38)

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