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2004 2003 Don Schellhardt is a former Washington lawyer and current “grassroots” activist for political reform. During his 20 years in Washington, D.C., Don served as Legislative Counsel to Representative Matthew J. Rinaldo (R-NJ, retired), Legislative Analyst for the U.S. House of Representatives Republican Research Committee and Policy Advisor on global warming and energy efficiency at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He also spent 12 years as a Government Relations executive with the American [Natural] Gas Association, where his posts included Director of State, Local and Coalition Relations and Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs. Don’s achievements in Washington included contributions toward the enactment of Federal statutes which reduce acid rain and encourage cleaner, more energy-efficient combined cycle turbines in new powerplants. Don also played a role in the adoption of State and local regulations which encourage or require greater use of natural gas and electric vehicles in California (especially the Los Angeles Basin), Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana. Don left the Republican Party in 1988 and Washington, D.C. in 1992. Since then, he has represented abused children in the courts of Virginia, served as an advocate for autistic children and adults in Virginia and actively opposed further development of Lookout Mountain in Colorado. He has also fought for greater diversity in media ownership and programming --- with efforts that included a leadership role in the successful campaign to establish small, community-oriented Low Power FM radio stations throughout the country. |