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George W. Bush Morality Mumblings, Page 2
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If anyone would like to add, modify or delete their listing(s) in the gallery, simply e-mail us and we will do so. If you find yourself spurred to create a translation of your favorite politician's rhetoric, please submit an MP3 so we can expand the gallery.

Those who are easily offended by heavy doses of irony should probably leave now. You may also hear the occasional cuss word in some translations: you have been warned.
White Lines (2:00, 1.9 MB) 
Creator: rx
Source Material: Unknown
GWB takes on a Duran Duran homage he knows by nose.
Ass Pumpin' America (4:03, 3.3 MB) 
Creator: Norton Scooter
Source Material: Unknown
Music: M.I.A., "Do Ya'"
Bush from the Boarshead Pub (3:32, 2.8 MB) 
Creator: Norton Scooter
Source Material: Unknown
Celebrating success in war with one too many...
Bush Confessions (2:06, 1.5 MB) 
Creator: Pressedon, courtesy of Llamastar Records
Source Material: Speech to an audience in Missouri, sometime in 2001
Favorite Quote: "A nation rests upon codified hatred."
Free Speech for Sale (2:14, 2.1 MB) 
Creator: Recycled Crayon
Source Material: GWB clips, TV news clips, political adverts, and 900 sex-line commercials
From the Album: Free Speech for Sale
A clever juxtaposition of whoredom!
George's Penis (4:09, 3.9MB) 
Creator: Scott Walmsley
Source Material: Unknown/Various
GWB talks up his manhood, frankly and repetitively.
Grimmy (2:08, 2 MB) 
Creator: Big City Orchestra
Source Material: Unknown
Another lush-laden mix.
GWB on Dick (:29, 455K) 
Creator: Radio Crack
Source Material: Unknown
Favorite Quote: "I have been amazed that a gentle dick could be so strong."
I Don't Love You Anymore (3:48, 3.5 MB) 
Creator: Frenz
Source Material: Unknown
Favorite Quote: "I want you to have sex, not only once, but twice."
Master's Will (3:52, 3.6 MB) 
Creator: Big City Orchestra
Source Material: Unknown
Creepy religion-laden blending.
Oval Office Shuffle (1:42, 1.6 MB) 
Creator: Cody Braun
Source Material: Unknown
Constructed stream of consciousness as if GWB could actually boogie.
The Cause is Drugs (4:37, 4.3 MB) 
Creator: Celso Solano
Source Material: Unknown
Downbeat wick-wack with Iraqi-themed soundbites twisted into a stoner's mantra.
Let's Roll (3:32, 3.3 MB) 
Creator: Mike Fix
Source Material: Unknown/Various
Techno revolves wround two main samples.
Party Tonight (2:39, 2.5 MB) 
Creator: Frenz
Source Material: Unknown
Favorite Quote: "Party which will increase the size of your penis dramatically."
The Essence of Compassionate Conservatism (3:56, 3.5 MB) 
Creator: National Cynical Network
Source Material: Speech during the 2000 election limbo
Favorite Quote: "And I ask you to pray for Vice President Gore, and his family, in the 21st century. Our future demands it."

George W. Bush Translations Index