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George W. Bush and The Almighty Dollar
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If anyone would like to add, modify or delete their listing(s) in the gallery, simply e-mail us and we will do so. If you find yourself spurred to create a translation of your favorite politician's rhetoric, please submit an MP3 so we can expand the gallery.

Those who are easily offended by heavy doses of irony should probably leave now. You may also hear the occasional cuss word in some translations: you have been warned.
Fuzzy Math (3:27, 3.2 MB) 
Flash Animation (3 MB, Flash Plugin Required)
Creator: The Bots
Favorite Quote: "For diplomacy to be effective, lies must be credible."
Fudge The Numbers (3:02, 2.8 MB)  
Creator: Lthrboots
Source Material: Unknown
Favorite Quote: "
Under my tax plan, the wealthiest Americans get tax relief, and you don't."
Tax Cuts (3:20, 3.1 MB)  
Creator: Frenz
Source Material: Unknown
Favorite Quote: "
We should send the checks to wealthy people now."
The People's Money (4:10, 3.9 MB) 
Creator: Frenz
Source Material: Unknown
Favorite Quote: "Money is god's gift to mankind. I truly believe that."
Confident (3:54, 3.5 MB) 
Creator: Unknown
Source Material: Unknown/Various
This version of Bush II's economic policy makes as much sense as the real one.

George W. Bush Translations Index