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They have always been a special breed of radio pirate; taking the time and trouble not only to flaunt the law, but to develop extremely creative radio shows in the process. Shortwave radio pirates are not easy to listen to, nor are they easy to tune in. Sometimes, as you can hear below, you've literally got to pick the pirate out of the noise. But the patience is often worth it. The audio featured below comes to us courtesy of Alex Draper, an avid shortwave pirate DXer in Ontario, Canada. All of it was recorded from Alex's home listening station during the 2001 DXing season; he regularly posts recent catches on his own website as well. WARNING: Those who are easily offended by adult language (or may be humor-impaired) should not venture any further. The mind of a shortwave pirate is often a decidedly twisted one; you have been warned. All sound files are in MP3 format. Many are large - patience for the download time (or a faster connection) is recommended. If you are a pirate DXer and have any corrections or additions to make to the list (station identification, time of broadcast, etc.) please email us. We'll gladly post other pirate DX catches, so if you catch a snippet of shortwave action, let us know! Go To: Volume 2 / Volume 3 / Volume 4
Go To: Volume 2 / Volume 3 / Volume 4