Items on Circulation
An up-to-date list of pending rulemakings and other procedures going down at
the agency; updated weekly.
Strategic Plan
Now drafting the five-year outlook from 2006 to 2011.
Report & Order Okays FM-HD Power Boost
From the horse's mouth. (1/29/10)
on LPFM: Third Report and Order and Second Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Promises an expansion and otherwise reduces LPFM's secondary-status service burdens.
Auction #62: FM Broadcast
Involves 173 construction permits; begins 11/1/05.
Digital Radio Broadcasting for AM and FM Radio Broadcast Stations
The FCC's info-page on the U.S. digital radio standard, with links to the agency's
orders and rulemakings on the subject.
312: The Local Community Radio Act of 2005
Thomas summary page of the legislation and its present status.
Localism Task Force
Taking the pulse of the public interest in hopes of making sure that mythical
standard still exists.
Audio Broadcasting Systems And Their Impact on the Terrestrial Radio
Broadcast Service
The FCC's Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking/Notice of Inquiry,
fleshing out the operating rules for "HD Radio"; link goes to
.pdf document. (4/20/04)
begins inquiry and proposed rulemaking regarding "interference
temperature" approach for interference management
The new system, if implemented, will factor interference tolerance into spectrum
management policy. (11/13/03)
Sought on the MITRE Corporation's Technical Report, "Experimental
Measurements of the Third-Adjacent-Channel Impacts of Low-Power FM Stations"
The MITRE report recommends waiving
the overly-restrictive interference protections mandated by Congress;
the FCC will take public input on the study through September 12. (7/11/03)
begins inquiry regarding interference immunity performance specifications
for receivers
This could lead to a ruling that requires manufacturers to stop producing
interference-prone radios on the cheap - which in turn could allow more
users on a slice of spectrum.
Policy Task Force: Findings and Recommendations
A slide-show style presentation of where the future of FCC regulatory
policy will likely lie. (12/11/02)
- Micropower FM (MPFM)
REC Networks is proposing an expansion of the FM dial down to 76 MHz to
allow for operations of one watt or less. This page contains a summary
of the proposal as well as a channel finder program to allow people to
look for potential open MPFM frequencies in their area.
begins inquiry regarding additional spectrum for unlicensed devices
Agency is exploring the allocation of additional spectrum for technological
experimentation. (12/11/02)