Jerry Szoka, former proprietor of Cleveland’s popular Grid Radio, was socked with an $11,000 fine more than six years ago, and the government came collecting in February. Szoka doesn’t have that kind of cash and has been trying to appeal the collection. He was supposed to have a hearing yesterday but the judge cancelled it and entered a judgment for the FCC: “They said they tried to contact me but didn’t have my home number…A complete travesty of justice.”
Szoka will attempt to continue to the appeals process, but without a lawyer (or the funds to hire one) the outlook remains grim.
On the home front, expect less activity here for the next month or so, many things are cooking with more details to follow. It’ll be more like one or two updates a week instead of three or four, although updates to the Schnazz and Truthful Translations gallery will continue as usual. If you missed last week’s Schnazz there was this ditty published in the Denver Westword which gives a pretty comprehensive overview of LPFM. I play the pessimist in the story (a role I know well).
Those who would like to complain and are in the Chicago area can do so on Friday, October 17, when I’ll be in town for a conference on labor and the media. There should be a feisty panel on Friday night with workshops to follow on Saturday.