During the National Conference for Media Reform I was lucky enough to sit down and throw a few questions at FCC Commissioner Michael Copps in formal interview-style (24:52, 11.4 MB), courtesy of Free Speech TV producer Lee Buric and John Grebe (Sounds of Dissent). As you can hear, we basically took turns in the chair.
The interruption of Grebe’s line by Jordan Goldberg, Copps’ senior legal advisor, kind of threw things off and made my own lines of inquiry a bit more circumspect (IBOC, microradio, and the future of the Telecom Act). Grebe was trying to get at the translator speculation/trafficking controversy. I felt like Copps played an adroit politician, in that he didn’t give up any substantive information.
Yesterday Skidmark Bob called and we did some live chat action on Freak Radio. Like the Copps encounter, I was working off a sleepless night prior but he seemed to have a good time, as did I. The best part is Bob’s closing music. Fallout has included an e-mail from Scooter, collagist extraordinaire, with a wealth of sonic goodness, most of which will be assimilated into the Truthful Translations galleries by week’s end.