Someone who calls themselves “a former employee” of the Educational Media Foundation (corporate parent of the K-LOVE and AIR-1 radio networks) sent along some interesting information about the salaries of the heads of various religious broadcasting institutions.
The original message lamented the fact that EMF Broadcasting’s president, Dick Jenkins, pulls down somewhere between $250-280,000 per year, apparently the highest in his peer group. Other chief executive numbers offered for comparison (can’t vouch for their accuracy, they were reportedly pulled from
Name Organization Salary
Dick Jenkins Educational Media Foundation $286,928 (FYE 12/2002), $250,378 (FYE 12/2003)
Eugene B. Habecker American Bible Society $250,000 (FYE 7/2003)
Joseph M. Stowell Moody Bible Institute $214,686 (FYE 6/2003)
Andre Delgado Thru the Bible Radio Network $190,039 (FYE 12/2003)
Richard Roberts Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association $179,500 (FYE 7/2003)
Luis Palau Luis Palau Ministry $179,244 (FYE 12/2002)
Cynthia Swindoll Insight for Living $131,403 (FYE 6/2003)
Thomas S. Forston Promise Keepers $128,490 (FYE 12/2003)
David P. Jeremial Turning Point $126,000 (FYE 6/2003)
Charles Stanley In Touch Ministries $116,958 (FYE 9/2003)
Most religious broadcasters run at least two pledge drives per year, where listeners are urged to “get off their apathy” and support the Lord’s work via radio. I admit the salaries of their executives pale in comparison to their secular conglomerate counterparts, but vows of poverty are apparently not in vogue.