When Prometheus comes to town to throw down a barnraising, they’re not so much building a radio station as they are planting seeds for collaborative media production. This is because it’s really impossible to fully build out a radio station in three days, even with 100+ of your closest friends. Which means, after the weekend work-party, you still have a sh*tload of work to do.
The process of initial construction is merely the hefty push that launches the collaboration. WRFU’s transmitter and antenna are fully secure – it’s everything else that’s left to finish.
Hence I am remiss both at posting frequently and documenting the experience. Fortunately, lots of others did that:
Thousands of photos and a slideshow (including the unedited archives of each day) x More Photos x Yet More Photos x WRFU Sign-On (MP3) x Crowd Reax and Audio Report (MP3) x Free Speech Radio News Coverage x IMC Reception Reports x Local Press
Things may stay light for a little while longer, until our wobble wears off.