WNFC Update: Ferndale Police Waffle

In his ongoing crusade to recruit community support for a limited-run unlicensed “demonstration” LPFM station in Ferndale, Michigan, Tom Ness has been lining up support from community leaders like gangbusters. Folks including Ferndale’s mayor, the local Catholic bishop, and possibly even some Congresscritters from Michigan will grace the mic of this experiment in civil disobedience, among many others.
However, Ferndale Police chief Michael Kitchen will not take part. His response to Ness’ offer of air time at WNFC:
You can’t “not encourage lawlessness” and then intentionally break a law. If you wish to “cooperate fully” with me, simply don’t break the law(s) which I am sworn to uphold.
Note to Chief Kitchen: nice weasel maneuver, but someone’s beat you to this excuse. The point of WNFC is to demonstrate some bad law exists. You may be “sworn to uphold” the law, but this doesn’t excuse you from having a moral conscience, does it? Perhaps it needs some exercise…