Update #2 – Free Radio Santa Cruz Raided

A team of Federal Marshals – some in riot gear – arrived at the station’s home during the 9 o’clock hour this morning. Residents there were rousted with the barrels of guns (including automatic weapons); nobody was in the studio at the time, however. Five FCC agents arrived after the show of force and confiscated everything.
When word got out between 100-150 people showed up on the spot to protest the raid. This included slashing the tires of the FCC and Federal Marshals’ vehicles, which stranded them at the scene for a time. Nobody was arrested and no fine has been issued against anyone.
As Skidmark Bob reported via e-mail, “Its a sad day for Free Speech…FRSC has never been raided in almost 10yrs of broadcast. FRSC was also supported by [the] Santa Cruz City Council twice recently. FUCK THE FCC!!!”
Station volunteers are adamant that the Freak Radio will rebound. Donations are desperately needed since the station was completely cleaned out. Stay tuned to Freak Radio’s web site and Santa Cruz Indymedia for further coverage and updates.