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Featured Artists: Imagenode, League of Infinite Justice, Frenz, Dept. of Corrections, Value Village People, Mr. Lovely, Tone Def and the Bots, Christmas Coup Comedy Players, Tom Compagnoni (Wax Audio), Badawi Quintet, Ravers Against War, Party Ben, Andi McLoud, ToToM, Polymyxin, The Mentally Ill, MC Quake, Skidmark Bob, V-Man, rx, GodLeighton, Dr. Laniac, Citizen Tapeworm, House of Tim, Radio Crack, 37Hz, Norton Scooter, Oculus Media, Jen Simmons, Sarah Christman, Hans Koning, ctephin, National Corporate Radio, PirateVideo, Warp Records, Chelfyn, Scott Walmsley, Dr. Yo, Big City Orchestra, Greg Baumont, gACK bASTARD, Edward Flynn, John Paul Davis, AnarChoice, New Horizons in Violence, The Charltones, stAllio!, Ben Frank, Howard Amb & The Aborted, DJ Shadow, Dubya and the Propaganda Machine, Diego Music Creations, Internal123, Poison Popcorn, Soundshaker, Don Juan, Harry Shearer, Broken Snowman, The Pole Project, DJ Concrete, Ledit RenArt
Video Translations: