Celebrity Speech

This is a gallery of collage featuring the reinterpreted words of notable folks.
While these files are being made freely available here (right-click and “Save Link As” to download), the creators of these works may hold additional rights to them which could preclude their use in other settings. Please contact the creators directly about such matters.
Featured Artists: Evolution Control Commmittee, Dept. of Corrections, Media Matters for America, Rebellious Pixels, Scumbag Bastard, Eric Vessels, Rush Limbaugh Hater, Scott Walmsley, papaya473, Guise Faux, rx, The Bran Flakes, National Cynical Network, Social Security, Poison Popcorn, Big City Orchestra, Chris Burke
Glenn Beck
Media Matters for America: Requiem for a Rodeo Clown
Rebellious Pixels: Right Wing Radio Duck
Scumbag Bastard: The Abreviated Glenn Beck

Tom Brokaw

Stephen Colbert
rx: The C Bump

Noam Chomsky

Debbie Gibson and Dr. Ruth Westheimer

Paul Harvey

Rush Limbaugh

Kurt Loder

Michael Moore

Rupert Murdoch
Poison Popcorn: Murdoch Select Committee Hearing 2011

Bill O’Reilly

papaya473: Bill O’Reilly: The Dirty Audiobook Slow Jam Remix

Vincent Price

Dan Rather

Evolution Control Committee: Rocked By Rape (video version, Quicktime required)

Martha Stewart

Lawrence Welk

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