Mbanna Kantako

mbmicThis is an ongoing archive of Human Rights Radio history, as told by its tapes. The Kantakos tape just about everything – and with very good reason.
It was being handy with a tape recorder that helped Mbanna break the silence about Springfield’s police brutality problem, and ever since he and his family have aired the experiences of Springfield’s African community, raw and uncensored.
It is a very real example of speaking truth to power. Download individual tracks by right-clicking and then selecting “Save Link As.”
Evolution to Revolution: 7 Years of Sounds
The mission of Human Rights Radio has been to document the experience of Springfield’s African community and provide an outlet for those most often left voiceless. Witness extended mixes of music and tape from the streets of Springfield, sampled from shows aired between 1996 and 2002.

The Human Rights Patrol
Half-hour commentary programs produced by Mbanna Kantako in 2001-2002 on various issues of the day, with specific focus on issues affecting Africans in America. Topics touch on a range of social justice issues, and affiliates of the Human Rights Information Network check in from time to time.

HRR-Decatur visited by the FCC, 9/27/2001
FCC enforcement agent Will Grey has an interesting dialogue with station operator Lavell Johnson.

Federal Raid of Human Rights Radio
Captured on tape on September 29, 2000: listen to Mbanna and his family read ’em their rights. (YouTube)

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